WORM_MIMAIL.A Anyone have any info on what this does yet?

From: Danny (drh26at_private)
Date: Fri Aug 01 2003 - 10:56:20 PDT

  • Next message: Rodrigo Barbosa: "Re: Scan of TCP 552-554"

    We are getting flooded with these little puppies, does anyone have any  
    additional info on what this thing does once it infects a host?
    I'll be infecting a box to test myself after i send this email but if  
    anyone has done testing already it would great to hear your input.
    Norton have released a Def for this and identify the virus as  
    If any one would like a copy of the original code you can get it at  
    Work - http://www.eBoundary.com - Secure, FreeBSD hosting.
    Play - http://www.eBoundary.net - Who really sets your electronic  
    AIM: eBoundaryTch  | ICQ: 3090141

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