Talisker, Hello, we meet again! farm9.com offers "Hacking 101" a course in current attacks and countermeasures for sys admins. 2 days, $895.00 Best value for the money/time. Offered in sunny Oakland Calif. SANS doesn't get you anything like what we teach (I know, I've been to 5 SANS courses, no knock to the fine folks at SANS). farm9 teaches hands on (1 computer per pupil). DEFCON is a party, it's advertised as such. If you can stay sober you might learn something at DEFCON. Lately the crowds have made that impossible. Black Hat might be more of a learning experience, but it backs right up to DEFCON on the calendar, and Vegas ain;t the best place to concentrate. Yes I am biased, I work for the company <g>. Regards, George Milliken, CEO farm9.com, Inc. -- gmillikenat_private 24x7 Intrusion Prevention & Incident Response http://www.farm9.com 24x7 Log Consolidation & Managed IDS SOC : 510-835-3276 x253 cell: 510-913-8850 fax: 925-376-5907 ================================================== SANS Network Security 2001 San Diego, CA Oct 15-22 ================================================== -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Ethical Hacking Courses Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 17:47:13 +0100 From: "Talisker" <Taliskerat_private> To: "Penetration Testers" <PEN-TESTat_private> Hi I'm currently looking at the various ethical hacking courses that are on the market. Are there any thoughts from you pen testing gurus about which is the best. I've heard about the ISS Ethical Hacking Course and Foundstones Ultimate Hacking Course, both are 4 days and similar in price, are there any others? Would it be better value to mix and match at Sans or attend Defcon, has anyone out there compared the merits of the various courses. Take Care Andy URLs purposefully suppressed, had my monthly quota ;o)
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