Re: Job question.

From: Johnathan Meehan (jmeehanat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 13:31:22 PST

  • Next message: Sean Michael Whipkey: "Re: Jobs thread"

    Marty said:
    > When
    > first dealing with applicants or preparing an applicant for an interview,
    > headhunters seem to go out of there way to talk to you.  BUT when you've
    gone to
    > that interview and the client isn't interested in the applicant, the
    > doesn't seem to have the time/decency to call you and let you know the
    Exactly the case. Over here, we differentiate between "headhunters" and
    "recruitment consultants". Headhunters are good, and come looking for you or
    information. They know the market and the business. Recruitment
    consultants - the people you approach - we call "pimps", because of the
    obvious ideas related to consultancy
    In Europe these "pimps" are about as unprofessional as can be. I recently
    lost a job, because my pimp "forgot" to call his client and confirm that I
    had accepted it - there are no laws over here that allow us to do anything
    other than shrug our shoulders and move on. As for the idea of knowing your
    stuff. Not good enough. Over here, if you can't claim you really did do it,
    it doesn't count. Therefore, any work I have done in my spare time does not
    count even though when I have spoken directly with companies they have been
    interested, because it show something a little different or interesting.
    Sometimes I feel like a chicken in a coup. :-)
    Perhaps in America things are different, but in Europe we pray for the end
    of these parasites, who do not understand either the market they are in, or
    IT. Just my thoughts...
    Johnathan Meehan

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