Re: Network Security, degree or not degree

From: Alfred Huger (ahat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 27 2001 - 12:36:05 PDT

  • Next message: Ben Greenbaum: "Developer position available"

    Hey folks,
    I am going to comment briefly on this and then kill the thread. Everyone
    who has taken part in the thread here has had valuable perspectives, the
    following is my own. In terms of when I hire I pay little attention to
    academic background. I tend to spend allot more time reviewing their
    attitude and their past works. I have worked with people with PHD's which
    awed me and I have worked with otthers which I had to fire for
    gross incompetence.
    For me at least, it's always about smart people. With or without a degree
    smart people are exactly that, smart people. Couple that with drive,
    ambition a good attitude and an eagerness to learn and your academic
    background to me at least, is somewhat academic (pardon the pun).
    However, in terms of the person doing the hiring, the person whom
    deliverables ultimately rely upon it's going to be a question of comfort.
    Some folks are more comfortable hiring academically accredited people
    while others are more comfortable with rich background experience. YMMV.
    VP Engineering
    "Vae Victis"

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