CSS, CSS & let me give you some more CSS

From: - phinegeek - (phineat_private)
Date: Tue Jan 29 2002 - 00:31:21 PST

  • Next message: tmorgan-securityat_private: "Re: CSS, CSS & let me give you some more CSS"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    A little while back I posted some info on a CSS bug I found on ebay,
    Just about every site(not joking) you go to has this type of vulnerability, its nothing new. Luckily, CSS vulns are very easy to fix, after they are discovered.
    However, you shouldn't have to wait until your site is prefixed with "Cross Site Scripting" on a Bugtraq posting. These types of errors, as well as many other similar(but less threatening) types are the product of careless programming practices.
    All you need is a method(call it SecureHTML()) that you run all your input through, before it gets displayed back to the user. This method would be used throughout your site in a modularized fashion.
    Isn't this how we should be doing it anyway???
    This simple principle can also be used for input that becomes part of an SQL statement(call it SecureSQL()) to guard against sql injection.
    Just modularize your code folks and make sure all your developers use the methods when dealing with input.
    Its really that simple.
    This is also not new, I guess you could call it prevention?
    and heres some fun.. alot of Security issues =]
    Security Focus:
    (copy and paste the text below in the search box just like it is)
    CSS OR "><SCRIPT><!-- ..tsk tsk tsk.. --></SCRIPT>"
    Digital Security:
    Internet Security:
    Linux Security:
    Macintosh Security:
    Social Security??:
    (copy and paste the text below in the search box just like it is)
    Social Security <SCRIPT>alert('Social Security?');</SCRIPT>
    p.s. none of the sites above have been notified.
    If I were to tell them, I would feel guilty and have to tell the others I know about(too many), then I would have to quit my night job.
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