SMTP server account probing

From: Brett Glass (brettat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 08 1999 - 11:13:22 PST

  • Next message: Jeremie: "Re: More Internet Explorer zone confusion (new issue)"

    Several ISPs throughout the Net are reporting an attack described at
    In this attack, an SMTP server is probed for common names, presumably
    so that spam can the be targeted at them. The attacking machine
    connects and issues hundreds of RCPT TO: commands, searching a long
    list of common user names (e.g. susan) for ones that don't cause
    errors. It then compiles a list of target addresses to spam.
    Unfortunately, the attack -- besides allowing the perpetrator to spam
    users -- also brings SMTP servers to their knees. This happens most
    often if the server maintains lists of user names in a database where
    looking up a name requires substantial disk activity or computational
    Some people whose domain names have been hard-coded into a commercial
    program designed to implement this attack have responded with outrage,
    I'm surprised that I haven't seen this one on the Bugtraq list yet.
    --Brett Glass

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