Retrieve deleted data from a mobile phone

From: Martin Meier (martin.meat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 07 2003 - 06:15:30 PDT

  • Next message: Stany Vardomskiy: "Re: Retrieve deleted data from a mobile phone"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    I'm writting a preliminary stude with the topic: forensic analysis about 
    PDAs and mobils.I try once again to pose the question. 
    Here's my question: is there the possibility to retrieve deleted data 
    (for example a deleted telephone number from the phone book)on a mobile 
    phone (Nokia 7110)?
    If it is not possible and you can tell me this for sure, I would be happy 
    with it because I only need a good reason for or against this question.
    Are there any tools which can retrieve the information I mentionded above?
    If yes, please tell me the name of this tool(s).
    I hope sombody can answer this question. 
    tx Martin Meier
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