Re: LSM Summer BOF's

From: Crispin Cowan (crispinat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 11:10:38 PST

  • Next message: Greg KH: "Re: LSM Summer BOF's"

    Greg KH wrote:
    >But "divergent conclusions" like we had last year can be so much fun :)
    >>   * Ottawa Linux Symposium: June 26-29, Ottawa, Canada
    >>         * OLS has accepted Chris Wright's proposal for an LSM session.
    >>         * Russel Coker has a talk on packaging SELinux for Debian
    >>         * Greg KH has a speaking slot, but not on LSM
    >A BOF here might be overkill as there is already a LSM talk scheduled.
    >But as I stated before, a BOF in the hallway (like last year) would be
    >fine with me.
    It seems to me that the scheduled LSM sessions are about LSM people 
    explaining it to the uninitiated, where as an LSM BOF is a meeting of 
    LSM developers trying to make decisions. The kind of hard-core debate I 
    expect at a BOF would lose most of the audience at Chris and Russel's talks.
    However, I've never been to OLS (odd in itself, since I'm actually from 
    Toronto) so I may not get the way interactions happen. The way OLS 
    reviews papers is certainly "divergent" :-)  Feel free to correct me.
    Other contributers we haven't heard from yet:
        * Stephen/NAI
        * James: probably not leaving Australia, but who knows?
        * SGI
        * other IBM'ers besides Greg, e.g. the Austin people, etc.
        * Serge
        * Valdis
        * (apologies if you're not on the list and should be :-)
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
    Chief Scientist, WireX Communications, Inc.
    Security Hardened Linux Distribution:
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    linux-security-module mailing list

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